Thursday, May 24, 2012

Been a long time

It's been a long time...shouldn't have left you...without a dope bitch to step to......

FRANKLY,  I have forgotten about my blogs until someone tonight mentioned the need for one, and now I'm super sad that I have not written in this blog all school year long.

I see my last post was a few days into my youngest daughter's first week of kindergarten. Today was her last day. And my teenage son is graduating from high school tomorrow. And I'm scared as hell.

The first child...the one you make all the mistakes with - that would be him. Is he ready for the real world? Hell no. Am I ready for him to go? Not sure.

I love this kid. Love him dearly, but he gets on my fucking nerves. There are just things that I think he should do and doesn't give a rat's ass about. He's a teenager. He doesn't care.

We have a plan for him, but I don't ultimately know how it's going to end up. All I know is that I'm going to be a huge bitch all summer making him wake up and get up and look for a job or do something productive. I mean, how can someone sleep so damn much any damn way?! What the fuck is wrong with you that you need to sleep 16 hours a mother fuckin day dude?! shit....pisses me off...boils my blood...makes me want to kick him the hell out.

But I love him. So I won't.  But we have to get working on this future of his....without babies.....

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A car line isn't meant for idling....

GRRRRRRRRRR to the grrrrrrrrrrrrr and can I just add another grrrrrrrrrrrr in here?!

Isn't it so frustrating when someone not only doesn't obey the rules of an establishment, but, to top it off, pushes the rules of common freaking sense as well?! Colloquially, it can really get under your skin and tick you off, right!? I'm having one of those moments.

This morning after dropping my daughter off at kindergarten, and let me add here that I was already emotional because she just flat out skipped away from me - needing no hug, no reassurance - just ran off to her classmates, I got in my awesome mini van and attempted to leave and keep my tears in check. HOWEVER, this simple task had one obstacle - a stupid asshole SITTING IDLE IN THE DROP OFF LINE.

HELLO ASSHOLE - can't you see the line of cars backed up to the street, around the corner, and out to the highway?! Do you realize that you have now blocked not only me in, but have made every single person behind you late because you are not smart enough to pick one of the fifteen to twenty open parking spaces and have your emotional breakdown with your child there instead of taking up five minutes in the drop off lane?

My teary eyes of sorrow became filled with red rage as I sat there and realized that there was not a damn thing I could do about it. Just sit there even longer and relish in the bittersweet sorrow that my five year old now loves school and doesn't need me. Just sit there and rage that this freaking idiot has the audacity to block the drop off lane for this long and no one behind him is either going to honk, go around him, or let me out now....Just sit there and hate on this unknown asshole.

I will be looking for your car tomorrow.......and it BETTER be moving.....

Monday, June 27, 2011

That just about sucked...

I just wrote my initial post and my laptop just said "fuck you" and turned all black and shit for about 2.3 seconds.

I have no idea what it is with me and decimals. Probably because I can't do math and I'm dyslexic when it comes to numbers, so I figure I'll have an interesting number no matter how I look at it. I'm the same way with ellipsis... (...) is an ellipsis if you didn't know...
I will actually abuse it and misuse it.

Anyway...the latptop almost took midair, and I realized when I retrieved the blog that I did not like the style so excuse me as we move along - I may be making changes frequently. I blame the undiagnosed ADHD.

Doin the Damn Thing!

For months I have been dreaming about blogging my true feelings on everyday experiences...experiences we all have - the frustrating ones like elderly driving 15.6 mph in a 45 zone, kids eating your private special delicious chocolate treats, or your significant other pulling a huge bullshit ass move that you really need to vent about.

That's what this is about. Being "frank" - that's what my friends call me when I'm about to spill the brutal truth to them. I don't hold back, I'm not walking on eggshells to save feelings - I'm just givin the real - tellin it like it is...and sometimes it stings a bit.

This blog is not for the weak of heart or for people who hate cuss words, especially "fuck" because i will say it a lot. So do not follow me if you get easily offended or don't like curse words because I will use the fucking shit out of them.

This blog is for entertainment purposes. It is also a place for me to practice my craft and to vent. I hope you enjoy my frustrations and my honest journey.